Mexican Elotes.


Is that time of the year when corn begins to make an appearance into our fruit and veg boxes and in the markets around the city, even though the variety of corn grown here is different from the one found in Mexico and sweeter in taste, I have found a tasty way to prepare a treat for hot summer afternoons.

Inspired by the elotes that are sold in humble carts by the streets of Mexico, carrying big metal pots filled with cooked corn kernels, they would have all the toppings on the side ready to make your corn the way you like, no mayo please or extra chilli! perhaps a bit more lime, this like many experiences with street vendors in the streets of Mexico fills my heart, and is one of the things I miss the most from my birth country.

If you are ever in Mexico I encourage you to try this and don’t be afraid to eat on the street, only like this you get to experience the real culture and authentic flavours, because I truly believe that is only through those experiences that get to see the real Mexico.

Note:This recipe can be for little ones too, when I prepare this for my kids I just make it without the ground chillies or perhaps just a sprinkle of pasilla (mild chilli), they certainly love them just as much as grown ups do.

Serves 4 portions.


8-9 fresh corn on the cob.

2 tbsp of Irish butter.

1 tbsp sea salt.

1 bay leaf.

4 tbsp of full fat creme fraiche.

4 tbsp of Mayo.

4 tsp of butter, (soft at room temperature).

4 limes.

4 tsp ground guajillo chilli.

4 tsp ground ancho chilli.

4 tsp ground pasilla chilli.

A pinch of ground arbol chilli if your prefer it more spicy.

1 cup of coriander, (freshly chopped).

Maldon salt.


Begin by removing the leaves and silk tassels from your corn, if you pull the tassels that normally brings the leaves down as well and makes it easier to peel, repeat the same with the rest of your corn.

Cut the kernels off with a serrated knife alongside the corn core, place all your kernels and one or two of the empty core cobs into a medium sauce pan (for more flavour), add the butter, salt , bay leaf and add water, just enough to cover your corn.

Place the pot over medium-high heat, cover with a lid and bring to boil, then cook for 20 minutes approx. from boiling point, until your kernels are cooked through, once they are cooked remove them from the heat and set aside, you may remove the cob cores from the pan now.

Prepare 4 small bowls and serve the corn kernels and a bit of the cooking juices in equal parts into each bowl, then add a spoonful of creme fraiche, one of mayo, the soft butter and the ground Mexican chillies, squeeze the lime juice on top, add the freshly chopped coriander and a pinch of maldon salt, and enjoy!

You can adjust the amount of heat and acid in your elote, this is the fun part you get to prepare it the way you like it, perhaps a bit more mayo and creme fraiche, no judging here , or the way like it with a good amount of chilli de arbol that brings a good kick into my elote!